Société Honoraire de Français

The Société Honoraire de Français (The French National Honor Society) is an organization whose intent is to recognize high school students in the United States who have maintained excellent grades in at least three semesters of French language courses; this is done by induction into the organization.



At induction, the SHF history is usually read, culminating with the lighting of candles. Each student holds a candle, and the student next to him or her recites the motto, L'homme qui sait deux langues en vaut deux, which means The man who knows two languages is worth two men. All the members are considered inducted when the last candle is lit.


Community service is mandatory for the organization, as well as a high grade point average overall (at least a B average in all other courses), in addition to an A in French classes during the semester of selection. [1]

See also


  1. ^ "Constitution" (PDF). Société Honoraire de Français of the American Association of Teachers of French. Retrieved 2006-03-16. 

External links